Saturday 4 June 2011

My Questionairre

As anyone whos actualy been bothering to read my blog will know I've been doing alot of questionairres recently so I decided to make my own.. like a massive one.. the ultimate one ;) I'll fill it out myself at some point but for now here it is.. feel free to fill it out and post it anywhere you like!


1. Are you ready to do this quiz?
2. Are you excited about doing this quiz?
3. Are you going to try and answer every single question honestly, no matter how personal it gets?
4. What were you doing before starting this quiz?
5. What are you planning on doing when you finish this quiz?
6. If you had to stereotype yourself, what would you be?
7. What is your favourite hobby?
8. If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be?
9. Do you think you are generaly a good person?
10. Do you have any phobias?
11. Who is the first person you talked to today?
12. Where are you right now?
13. Do you think the number 13 is unlucky?
14. Without looking, what is the time right now?
15. Now look, what is the time?
16. How far off were you or did you get it exactly right?
17. How long do you think this quiz is going to take you?
18. What is the speling mistake in this quesion?
19. Do you believe in ghosts?
20. What do you think happens to your soul when you die?
21. How do you think the world came into existance?
22. Do you believe in god?
23. What can you hear right now?
24. Look behind you, what can you see?
25. Do you have a favourite number?
26. DO you have a YouTube account?
27. Do you have a Twitter account?
28. Do you have an account on DailyBooth?
29. Do you have a blog?
30. When I say 'potato' what is the first colour that comes into your head?
31. Where does the sky begin?
32. Copy and paste this URL in your adress bar '' what is the first thing you see?
33. Are you saving up for anything at the moment?
34. How well off would you say you are in terms of money?
35. Can you touch your nose with your tounge?
36. Did you just try it?
37. What is the last website you visited before starting this quiz?
38. Are you still at school? If so, do you enjoy it?
39. What do you put in a toaster?
40. Without looking, what letter is to the right of 'L' on your keyboard?
41. Did you know it wasnt a letter?
42. What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
43. What is the last film you watched?
44. Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what?
45. Are you straight, bisexual, bicurious or gay/lesbian?
46. Are you monitering how you answer these questions incase certain people read your answers?
47. Are you currently hungry or thirsty?
48. Have you ever been drunk? If so, when was the last time you were drunk?
49. Are you craving anything right now?
50. Whats half of 100?
51. What do you think of this quiz so far?
52. Can you remember how many boyfriends/girlfriends you have had? If so, how many?
53. Whats your current relationship status?
54. Are you happy with your current relationship status?
55. If you could VISIT anywhere in the world, where would you go?
56. If you could LIVE anywhere in the world, where would you go?
57. What colour is your hair right now?
58. Is that your natural colour?
59. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
60. Can you see anything blue from where you are? If so, what is it?
61. You cant say inbetween, do you prefer it to be really hot or really cold?
62. Are you a virgin?
63. Was that last question too personal?
64. Imagine you can have anyone in the world in your bed for a night, who would it be?
65. Was the answer to the last question a celebrity?
66. Have you ever taken dirty pictures of yourself?
67. Do you know what an awkward turtle is?
68. Are you doing an awkward turtle in your head right now?
69. Look at what number question your on, have you ever tried it?
70. Do you like anyone at the moment?
71. Who is that last person you kissed?
72. When will your next kiss be?
73. What is the most awkward situation you have ever been in?
74. Is there anyone else in the room with you right now?
75. Chocolate or Sweets?
76. Do you regret anything? If so, whats your biggest regret?
77. What is your current mood?
78. Do you have a bed time?
79. Without looking, can you remember what the first question was on this quiz?
80. Are you getting bored of this quiz?
81. Know any good jokes?
82. Have you ever been to a concert, if so, what concerts have you been to?
83. When did you last go to the cinema and what did you see?
84. Who did you last go to the cinema with?
85. Who's the funniest person you know?
86. Do you have a best friend?
87. Whos the kindest person you know?
88. Whats the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
89. Whats the last thing you put in your mouth?
90. Do you have any piercings? If so, where? If not, do you want any?
91. Do you have any tattoos? If so, what and where? If not, do you want any?
92. Whats your favourite time of the year?
93. What are you doing tomorow?
94. Got any plans for the next weekend coming up?
95. What did you do yesterday?
96. Copy and paste this URL into your adress bar '' how well did you do?
97. Do you have any apple products?
98. Mac or PC?
99. What internet browser do you use? 
100. Are you proud of yourself for getting to question 100?
101. What search engine do you use the most?
102. Do you hate anyone? If so, why?
103. Do you have facebook?
104. Do you think the last question was stupid?
105. Do you think that one day computers will take over the world and the human race will be bred and kept in cages for experiments?
106. How many keys are on your keyboard?
107. Did you just count them?
108. Do you think you are sad for doing so?
109. Do you think getting this far in this quiz is pretty sad?
110. Are you going to be posting your answers to this quiz online? If so, Where?
111. Do you think the number '111' looks cool?
112. Are you currently using a laptop or a desktop computer?
113. What is your dream job?
114. Type in 'funny pictures' on google images, is the first picture that comes up funny?
115. How many pages do you have in your favourites?
116. Do you take pictures of yourself regularly?
117. Are you self concious?
118. How many friends do you have on facebook?
119. What was the last thing you took a photo of?
120. What was the last thing you watched on television?
121. Is there a television in the room your currently in?
122. Are you comfortable where you are right now?
123. If the zombie apocalypse happened, would you be ready for it?
124. What would be the first thing you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?
125. How many clocks can you see from where you are?
126. What is your desktop wallpaper on your computer/laptop at the moment?
127. What do you love most in the world?
128. What do you hate most in the world?
129. Do you want a hug right now?
130. Do you miss anyone?
131. Stretch your arm out as far as it can go to your left, what can you touch?
132. Stretch your arm out as far as it can go to your right, what can you touch?
133. Open up another window on your internet browser, what is the first thing you see on your screen?
134. Do you have MSN?
135. Are you comfortable with your sexuality?
136. When was the last time you were really, really happy?
137. When was the last time you were really, really sad?
138. When was the last time you were really, really angry?
139. How many windows are currently open on your screen?
140. Is the window you opened on question 133 still open?
141. Do you do any sports on a regular basis?
142. Do you know how tall you are?
143. Do you know how much you weigh?
144. When did you last go to the toilet?
145. Do you need the toilet at the moment?
146. Whats on your mind right now?
147. Are you doing anything else other than this quiz right now?
148. Get up and take 3 steps to your right.. did you walk into anything?
149. High five?
150. Who were you last in a car with other than family?
151. Has anyone ever told you they never want to lose you?
152. Have you ever told anyone you never want to lose them?
153. Imagine your being held hostage in a room for a year and your only aloud 3 items with you. What would take?
154. Have you ever been in trouble with the police? If so, what for?
155. Do you tell your mum / dad everything?
156. Is there anyone that you tell absaloutly everything to other than your mum or dad?
157. Do you think anyone completely understands you?
158. Do you think your easy to get along with?
159. Have you ever done one of these quizes before?
160. Have you took a break yet inbetween questions?
161. Without looking, what do you think the time is now?
162. Now look, what is the time?
163. How long has it been since you answered those questions earlier in the quiz?
164. Do you enjoy doing the maths involved in those questions?
165. Do you think age matters in relationships?
166. Do you have good friends?
167. Do you have long, short or medium length hair?
168. Do you have any strong opinions on the world?
169. Are you bored of this yet?
170. A word begining with the letter Z?
171. Playstation or X-Box?
172. Do you own a playstation or an x-box?
173. Do you have any siblings?
174. Have you heard of the impossible quiz? if so, do you like it?
175. Can you remember the last time you sneezed?
176. Can you remember the last time you coughed?
177. Can you remember the last time you had the hiccups?
178. Do you like cheese?
179. Opinions on smoking?
180. Opinions on drugs?
181. Opinions on alcohol?
182. Do you smoke?
183. What are three things you really want to do before you die?
184. Do you want to be famous?
185. How important is money to you?
186. Friends or Family?
187. Have you seen '2 girls, 1 cup'?
188. Do you buy your music or download it?
189. Have you ever had a job?
190. How many days till Christmas?
191. Do you like Christmas?
192. Would you consider yourself 'normal'?
193. Do you like it when someone you dont know tries to make conversation with you?
194. What number is 72 more than 13?
195. Do you have a favourite animal?
196. When did you last shower?
197. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
198. What is your most embarasing memory?
199. Look out of the nearest window to you. What can you see?
200. Whats the weather like?
201. Can you remember the last time it snowed where you live?
202. Would you be happy to know this quiz is now finishing?
203. The quiz has now finished. Are you relieved?

So there you go!
I'm also currently working on writing a guide on how to complete 'the impossible quiz' at the moment so check back here for updates on that!

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